Let’s Stay Inside (and Read)
Let’s Stay Inside (and Read)

Let’s Stay Inside (and Read)

Seeking a relaxing read during this celebration of the great indoors? I’ve compiled a few of my favorite pandemic-related books. Check out the included Goodreads links for more info and take the opportunity to order from an indie bookshop!

Year of Wonders: A Novel of the Plague – Geraldine Brooks

Some of the most beautiful ugly writing you’ll encounter, in this fictionalized first-person account of one young mother’s year in an English town that’s quarantined itself from the surrounding country during the Great Plague of 1665-66. Fair warning–points off for an absolutely out of left field coda.

Doomsday Book – Connie Willis

The first in Willis’ must-read collection of Oxford-based time travel novels, an engrossingly devastating story that uses the naturalistic sci-fi framework to ask questions of accountability and inevitability in the Black Death of 1348.

Wickett’s Remedy – Myla Goldberg

Set during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, and as initially distressing as that implies.

The Speckled Monster – Jennifer Lee Carrell

A hybrid of non-fiction history and narrative, this work takes some liberties with detail but presents an in-depth consideration of a few lesser-known parties in London and Boston who made the first major strides to combat smallpox.

In the Wake of the Plague: The Black Death and the World It Made – Norman F. Cantor

Pandemics have a way of reshaping the world that battles them; for Western Europe, as Cantor outlines, the fallout of the Black Death also forced along concepts like workers’ rights, technological innovation, and religious freedom.

The Plague – Albert Camus

Eerie, foreboding, and superior to The Stranger. Don’t make me talk about The Stranger.

BONUS! For the aurally inclined, enjoy some socially distant tunes while you peruse: